Surprisingly Simple
Yoga Poses for Runners
Try this sequence of yoga poses created for female runners who want to continue running for years to come.
Yes, Please!
Here’s What’s Inside…
- A 25 Minute Yoga Video to use to warm up for your next run or to help your body recover after you put in the mileage.
- Simple yoga poses you can put into practice to start seeing results right away
- Stretches for your feet to help with better mobility
- A hip flexor and hamstring sequence to create length where it's needed.
- Balancing postures that will not only target the quads and outer hips, but also promote better body proprioception (navigating your body in it's environment) so you can hit the trails and pavement with more grace.
- A relaxing front body stretch to help release any tension and leave you enjoying your runner's high.
"What I love most about Rebecca as an instructor is how she invites deep trust in my own body. Her presence brings an immediate sense of peace. She is strong, stable, and clear, giving invaluable guidance about what matters most - your relationship to yourself!."
Aria E.
Enjoy the FREE Yoga for Runners Practice
Want to be able to keep running for years to come?
Part of being able to continue to run for years to come is to use proper stretches to help in the recovery process after your run and in the prevention of injuries.
And my guess is... you just don't know where to start. You do a few hamstring stretches at the end of your run and call it good.
Meanwhile, you wonder why your body feels tighter than ever.
Whether you are stuck here or just need to change up your stretches to better fit your running needs, this short video will guide you to feeling good in your body and mind.
Grab my free Yoga for Runners Video so you can effortlessly put miles under your feet.
A Note from Rebecca...
“At this point, running has been a part of my self-care practice for over 20 years. And I credit the ability to keep lacing up and logging miles with having a regular yoga practice that nourishes my body. I also know that feeling of wanting to make the most out of my practice by having postures that specifically target the areas of my body that need it the most. My hope is that this practice will help you enjoy more miles while feeling great in your body and mind!"
- Rebecca
Yes! I Want It!