1:1 Healing Sessions


Sound + Reiki 

Experience deep relaxation, stress management, and emotional healing 


In these sessions...


First, different sound healing instruments like crystal chakra bowls and tuning forks are used to help release energy blockages, aid the body and mind in relaxing and stress reduction. 

Then, traditional Usui Reiki techniques are used to promote relaxation, stress & anxiety reduction and promote a positive mental state which can lead to pain reduction.

Reiki is the Japanese name for universal life force energy. Reiki is a form of alternative healing and a meditative practice that is performed fully clothed either hands-on or hands-off the body in either lying down or seated position.


  • $110 for 60 Minutes - Sound + Reiki
  • $100 for 60 Minutes - Reiki Only

Why choose Sound + Reiki?

  • You are looking for a complementary way to help promote physical/emotional/mental healing that is non-invasive and works with the medical intervention you are already receiving.
  • You are recovering from an injury or surgery and want to promote healing to that area of your body.
  • You are working through a particularly challenging time in your life and are looking for some stress relief.   
  • You are hoping to find a calm, easeful state of being to help promote boost in mood and improve sleep.
  • You are open to alternative ways to find a meditative state of mind to improve overall quality of life.

Whatever the reason, you are supported. Sign up for a session and receive the benefits.  


A Note From Rebecca...

“Sound and Reiki together make for an experience that is both relaxing and transcendental.  Whatever your background and beliefs are, you will find these sessions a beautiful opportunity to find deep relaxation, a reduction in stress, and feel at ease in your body and at peace within.  I look forward to our sessions together. "

- Rebecca