The Shift: 5 Week Holistic Hormone Wellness Through Cyclical Living 

Group coaching to reconnect with your body's wisdom and create a lifestyle in tune with your natural rhythms so you can live with purpose and feel truly at home in your body.

With The Shift, you’ll gain practical tools to navigate your cycles with ease, especially as they begin to shift in what is called perimenopause. By deepening your understanding of your body and learning how to care for yourself holistically, you'll learn how to reduce life disrupting symptoms and enhance your overall quality of life.

Each week, our intimate group coaching sessions will explore essential aspects of your well-being, combining recorded lessons with live coaching calls to help you restore balance, vitality, and confidence as you embrace a more aligned lifestyle.

This is the holistic "Reset" that you've been looking for. 

Before We Dive Into This Life-Changing Program, Let's Talk About Who This Is Really For...

You’re a woman in your 30s & 40s seeking a deeper connection with your body, noticing that your cycles or energy patterns feel off. The things that used to work for you no longer bring the same balance, and you’re craving a lifestyle that leaves you feeling more aligned, empowered, and in tune with yourself.

Maybe you feel like...

  • You’ve been giving so much to your family or career that you’ve lost touch with your sense of self, and now you’re ready to reclaim your life and live more intentionally.
  • Stress is wearing you down—small things trigger you, and it feels harder and harder to show up for the people you love.
  • Your body is throwing curveballs with strange, unexplained symptoms, and you’re constantly asking, “Is it hormones, or is something else wrong?”
  • You’re feeling disconnected from what’s really going on inside and unsure how to make sense of it all.  
  • You want to make positive changes—better habits, more self-care—but it’s so overwhelming that you don’t know where to start. 
  • You’ve tried doing it on your own, but old patterns keep pulling you back, and you know you need support and accountability to make real, lasting change

If this sounds familiar, you’re in the right place. The Shift was created specifically for women like you—to provide the tools, inspiration, and community support to help you navigate this transition with confidence and ease. It’s time to move from confusion and overwhelm to a place of empowerment, vitality, and balance.

By the end of this program,

you will have the tools to…


  • Regain Hormonal Harmony
    Experience greater ease and balance as your hormones stabilize, reducing the intensity of symptoms like mood swings, fatigue, and hot flashes.

  • Enhance Energy and Vitality
    Feel revitalized with more consistent energy levels by learning how to nourish your body and make choices that boost overall wellbeing.

  • Restful, Restorative Sleep
    Say goodbye to sleepless nights and learn strategies to promote deep, restful sleep, so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

  • Effective Stress Relief
    Gain tools to manage stress more effectively through mindfulness, meditation, and other calming techniques, allowing you to stay centered amidst life’s demands.

  • Empowered Nutritional Choices
    Understand how to support your body with foods and habits that promote hormone balance, detoxification, and long-term health, making every meal feel like a step toward better wellbeing.

  • A Sustainable Movement Routine
    Create an exercise routine that matches your body’s needs, boosts your energy, and helps reduce inflammation without overwhelming or exhausting yourself.

  • Deepened Connection to Self
    Reconnect with your body’s inner rhythms and gain a deeper understanding of the changes occurring, helping you honor your body’s needs with compassion and awareness.

  • Stronger Relationships
    Improve your relationships by learning to communicate your needs and set healthy boundaries, both with yourself and others, fostering more meaningful connections.

  • Confidence to Thrive through Life's Changes
    Leave with a renewed sense of confidence, empowered with the tools and knowledge to not just survive but to thrive—embracing life’s transitions as opportunities for growth and transformation

"Inspiring and grounded, Rebecca's passion for women's health has shifted my relationship with my cycle. Before, I only thought about the days during my period, almost as an inconvenience. Now, I have a wider perspective on all the incredible things my body is doing all month, and how to design my life to best meet my needs and use my gifts during each phase."


Enroll in The Shift and Come Home to Yourself. 

We Begin October 7th, 2025  

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



"I have all the respect in the world for Rebecca as a yoga teacher. She reminds us to respect ourselves and where we are physically and mentally during each practice.  Her wisdom applies not only to learning on the yoga mat but to life as well.  Her love of yoga and improving physical and mental strength and health is inspirational."

- Jodi, Regional Manager







"I have loved having another toolkit to explain how I am feeling or what I am capable of at any given time. It’s been so eye-opening to better understand the weekly transformations we women go through and how to harness those for good and channel what you’d be best at given where you are in your cycle." 

- Jenny,
Marketing Director







"As someone with a busy and ever-evolving schedule, I'm grateful to have access to these sessions when I need them most. Her classes are thoughtfully designed, covering a spectrum of different practices to choose from whether you're in a rush, if you need to pep up, wind down, sweat it out, or just check in with yourself. I've seen a really positive difference in my body and my energy this winter, and I know that I can attribute a lot of that to taking time for myself with these classes. I've been so grateful!"

- Kelly, Agriculturist


What’s Inside 

The Shift 


Module 1

Restorative Sleep for Hormonal Balance

Week 1 Focus:

  • Recorded Lesson:

    • The Sleep-Hormone Connection: Explore the impact of sleep on your hormonal balance and why it’s essential for navigating life’s transitions
    • Creating Your Sleep Sanctuary: Learn to optimize your sleep environment and develop evening routines that promote deep, restorative sleep.
    • Evening Rituals: Practical strategies for winding down, including meditation, breathwork, and journaling.
  • Group Coaching Call:

    • Sleep Strategy Session: Share your sleep challenges, receive personalized advice, and discuss how to implement new routines effectively.
Module 2

Stress Management for Emotional and Hormonal Wellbeing

Week 2 Focus:

  • Recorded Lesson:

    • Understanding Stress and Hormones: Understand how stress influences your hormones and why effective stress management is key to maintaining balance especially during life’s transitions.
    • Mindfulness and Emotional Resilience: Introduction to mindfulness practices, breathwork, and meditation to help manage stress and improve emotional health.
    • Cultivating a Stress-Resilient Mindset: Tools for reframing stress and developing emotional resilience.
  • Group Coaching Call:

    • Stress Reduction Workshop: Practice mindfulness techniques together, discuss your experiences, and explore how to incorporate stress management tools into daily life.
Module 3

Nutrition & Detoxification for Hormonal Harmony

Week 3 Focus:

  • Recorded Lessons:

    • Nourishment for Hormonal Health: Learn the role of nutrition in balancing hormones, focusing on nutrient-rich, whole foods.  Practical advice on planning meals that stabilize blood sugar and enhance detoxification.
    • Gentle Detoxification: Explore practices that support liver health and hormone balance without overwhelming the body.
    • Minimizing and Eliminating Environmental Toxins: Learn the effects of environmental toxins on the endocrine system and how to minimize exposure.
  • Group Coaching Call:

    • Nourishing Yourself: Discuss your dietary habits, share recipes, and refine your nutrition plan with supportive guidance.
Module 4

Exercise & Movement for Energy and Balance

Week 4 Focus:

  • Recorded Lessons:

    • The Role of Exercise in Hormonal Balance: Understand how physical activity influences hormones and energy levels throughout your cycle.
    • Cycle-Synced Movement: Tailored exercise routines for each phase of your cycle, including yoga, strength training, and restorative practices.
    • Incorporating Mindful Movement: Tips for integrating movement into your daily routine in a way that respects your body’s changing needs.
  • Group Coaching Call:

    • Live Movement Practice: Participate in a guided movement session, discuss your exercise habits, and explore strategies to stay motivated.
Module 5

Relationship Dynamics and Self-Connection

Week 5 Focus:

  • Recorded Lessons:

    • Your cycle and Relationships: Delve into how hormonal changes impact your relationships with others and yourself.
    • Strengthening Self-Connection: Tools for cultivating self-compassion, self-care, and emotional resilience.
    • Healthy Communication and Boundaries: Strategies for communicating your needs effectively and setting healthy boundaries in your relationships.
  • Group Coaching Call:

    • Relationship Reflection and Support: Engage in discussions about your experiences, explore ways to enhance both personal and interpersonal relationships, and receive support in navigating these changes.

When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


The Shift


  • 5 Comprehensive Holistic Wellness Modules

    At the start of each week, the latest module will be "dripped".  This will include the recorded lessons, any worksheets, and homework that pertain to that pillar of wellness.

  • 5 Live Group Coaching Calls

    We will gather each week for a live group coaching call.  The call will be a time to get more personalized support and connect with other women.  If you can't make it to the call, you can submit your questions in advance and we'll answer them on the call.  You can then watch the recordings when you have the time.

  • 3 Months of the Cyclical Living Self Care App

    Enjoy a library of cyclical yoga, meditation, and breath work practices designed to assist you in handling stress, increasing energy, fostering spiritual growth, and developing lifestyle habits that nurture your well-being. 
  • Downloadable journal prompts, habit trackers & guides 

    that you can turn to for delving deeper into your experiences, tracking your cycle, books to add to your "to be read" stack,  and other resources to help you navigate perimenopause.
  • Access to Group Chat via Whatsapp

    In between sessions, you will be able to ask questions and connect with our group via Whatsapp.   Whatsapp is a Free Messaging app that can be used to send text and voice messages back and forth to our group.

  • 25% off Supplements  

    Have access to discount ordering protein powders, supplements and essential oils on Fullscript


Note:  You will have lifetime access to your private client portal.  Meaning as long as this course is around, you'll have access to it.

Enroll in The Shift and Come Home to Yourself. 

We Begin October 7th, 2024.  

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Plus You're Backed by a Risk-Free 7 Day Guarantee 

Let me say this upfront:

The Shift is a comprehensive  group coaching program that focuses on your cyclical wellbeing and is for women who are excited and committed to doing this work.

When you join this program, you will be a part of a community of women who support each other and have a roadmap to help you navigate your natural rhythms.

Now here's the kicker:

By the end of the first 7 days, you will have had access to the first module and group coaching call BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don't feel completely confident and motivated to move forward with the program, then simply reach out, show us that you gave it a try and we will refund your investment.

What other women have asked before signing up

Enroll in The Shift and Come Home to Yourself. 

We Begin October 7th, 2024.  

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Still "thinking about it"?


Give The Shift a 7 day Risk Free shot if you're motivated by any of the following

You want to feel like yourself again...like, really feel good in your body

Lately, though, it’s been tough. Whether it's the constant fatigue that makes getting through the day feel impossible, the sleepless nights where you toss and turn, or the overwhelming stress that seems to hit out of nowhere—you know something is off, and it’s affecting every area of your life.

You're more than ready to take control of this phase instead of letting it control you.

You’re done feeling disconnected from your body.

The idea of perimenopause may have felt like a mystery or something to dread, but now you’re starting to realize that understanding what’s actually happening inside you can help you feel more empowered, not more frustrated. You don’t want to simply push through these changes—you want to thrive through them.

You’re ready to stop surviving and start living.

You’re tired of putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own and losing yourself in the process. You’re craving clarity, energy, and a sense of balance, and you know that the tools to get there are within reach—if you have the right support.

The Shift is the roadmap you’ve been searching for.

This isn’t just another course; this is your chance to truly reclaim your health and well-being. Imagine feeling confident about what’s going on with your body and having practical strategies that allow you to handle each challenge with more ease. The Shift will help you do just that, with holistic tools that nurture your mind, body, and spirit during perimenopause.

And the best part?

You’ll be guided every step of the way with lessons and an intimate community of women who understand exactly what you're going through. You’ll get the support and accountability you need to make lasting changes.

This is your time to invest in yourself.

The price? It’s less than what you'd pay for months of feeling stuck, confused, and overwhelmed. It’s an investment in your health, your happiness, and your future.

If any of this has you nodding your head, now is the time to say yes to yourself and join The Shift today.

I personally cannot wait to guide you through The Shift, a journey that has the potential to completely transform your relationship with your body and yourself

I’ve witnessed firsthand how overwhelming our hormones can seem. The sleepless nights, the rollercoaster emotions, the loss of energy and control—it can feel like your body is betraying you. I know the frustration of trying to manage life while your body feels completely different day to day.

But I also know it doesn’t have to be this way.

Over the years, I’ve dedicated myself to understanding women's health and cyclical living, combining 20 years of experience teaching yoga and mindfulness with deep study in women's holistic hormone health trainings. I’ve worked with many women navigating all stages of their cycles, and I’ve seen the difference that having the right tools and support can make.

It’s not just about getting through each day—it’s about reclaiming your health, your energy, and your joy during each phase of life. It’s about finding balance and feeling empowered, no matter what changes your body is going through.

If you’ve been feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or simply ready for a change, this is your chance. Whether you’re balancing work, family, and life or just trying to take better care of yourself, The Shift will give you the guidance, tools, and community you need to thrive.

I look forward to supporting you on this empowering journey and helping you find your strength, vitality, and confidence.

With love and light,
Rebecca Rankin

Enroll in The Shift and Come Home to Yourself. 

We Begin October 7th, 2024.  

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of
