Rebecca Rankin (00:01):
Stories teachings and guidance. Welcome to the women's moon wisdom podcast with your host, Rebecca Rankin
Rebecca Rankin (00:18):
Welcome back to Women's Moon Wisdom. In today's episode, we're going to talk about our inner new moon phase. What I find so useful is to compare our 28 day inner cycle to that of the lunar cycle, which is also roughly around 28 days. The moon is quite often related to the feminine energy as it ebbs and flows, and also has roughly a 28 day cycle. So there's nothing really new with that. And when we see ourselves reflected in nature, we can feel more drawn to nature for support, for healing and wisdom, and we can look to nature for more insight in how to tap into our own cyclical nature. All right, before we really dive deep into our inner new moon phase, our own menstrual phase, our own inner moon cycle has four phases to it. Our own period or menstruation can be thought of as our inner new moon phase,
Rebecca Rankin (01:27):
and we'll dive a bit deeper into that in this episode, but let me first just lay out the bigger picture of our whole cycle. From our new moon, our inner new moon phase, our menstruation phase, we move into our inner waxing moon phase. Think of this symbolically represented as the moon, as the waxing moon begins to bring more light into the evening and begins to shine more light, it has a sense of gaining momentum. This anticipation of what is ahead. This can be thought of as our follicular phase. So the week after our period ends, that's our follicular phase when our hormones are just starting to rise again. And with that, it brings us more energy and more motivation. Then we shift into the full moon phase. So our inner full moon phase is a time,
Rebecca Rankin (02:20):
If you think of the moon itself, when the moon lights up the night, it makes things more visible. So our own inner full moon phase, this is ovulation. This is when we are more apt to being seen and being social. And from that half, the waxing moon and the full moon phases are the follicular and ovulatory phases. Those are our outward expressions. So from the outward expression phases of our cycle, we then shift to the opposite side of the cycle. Then we start to shift into the waning moon phase. So we can think of just the light of the moon as it starts to shift into having less light in the evening. And with that, that creates this energy of a little bit more inward focus. And we can feel that in our luteal phase. The10 to 14 days leading up to our next period. It's the time when our estrogen and our progesterone start to decrease and we have a little bit more inward focus.
Rebecca Rankin (03:26):
And then that leads us into, once again, our inner new moon phase. When we reach our inner new moon phase, where the dark evenings have us turn inward and focus on what we want so that we can start a new cycle again. Your menstrual phase or your inner new moon phase, AKA your period. Now, I know for a lot of us, this is probably the phase in our monthly cycle that we probably are most familiar with. And probably it's the phase that we feel most either inconvenienced by, or even have been conditioned to have a little bit of shame wrapped around it. So my hope is that after this little episode, it'll give you a bit more insight and a little bit more respect to this part of your cycle. So we can think of our inner new moon phase as the shedding of the old,
Rebecca Rankin (04:24):
literally, the uterine lining and the starting fresh, the new hormonal cycle that begins after our period. This is when the thickened endometrium or the uterine lining sheds as a result in the cyclical drop in estrogen and progesterone to their lowest levels. So what is considered a normal length of a whole menstrual cycle? Well, it varies anywhere from between 21 days to 35 days can be considered a normal range for a menstrual cycle and what's considered a normal length of a period? Well, anywhere between three to eight days in length can be considered normal. Now, interesting enough, during our period, not all the action is actually just happening in the uterus. So actually within our pituitary gland, which is like a small gland area at the base of the brain that produces hormones. It produces a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone or F S H. I don't know why that is so hard for me to say those letters together, F S H. I really have to enunciate.
Rebecca Rankin (05:38):
So F S H tells the ovaries to be in the process of preparing an egg for ovulation, which then gives way to the next phase of our cycle, the follicular phase, which not to worry, I will dive deeper into that phase in another episode. So this is all great knowledge to know. It's great to know what your body's doing, and you may be thinking, "okay, wonderful, but what does that actually mean? As far as what I'm experiencing and how can I possibly feel empowered by all of this?" So with the decreased levels of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone with it, you may feel, you probably feel this. It comes with this decreased energy, decreased mood and decreased libido. So give yourself some grace for not having the energy to run that 5k on day two of your period. What I like to call your hormonal superpowers during this phase of your cycle are actually incredibly empowering.
Rebecca Rankin (06:46):
And my hope is that as you lean into it, you may feel okay, maybe feel a little bit better around your cycle, around your period. So with the hormonal levels being at their lowest point, it actually allows the right and left hemispheres of your brain to be in greater communication with each other, which allows you to judiciously evaluate aspects of your life. This is the time when reviewing and analyzing things that are working and that aren't working in your life actually feels really good. So with this, it allows you to be in greater connection with your intuition or your inner guidance system. You know, that voice in your head that knows what you really should do with your life, but you kind of ignore it the rest of the month. So this is the time to tune into your intuition and listen to what you're gut is telling you that needs to change, or just what you need more of in your life.
Rebecca Rankin (07:46):
Perhaps some of you actually do work with the actual lunar cycle, like the new moon. And this is a fun practice that many people do around the new moon. You create intentions that you want to see come forward in the coming weeks with the next lunar cycle. And it's a beautiful practice of looking at your current life, analyzing what is working, what isn't working and what you need to let go of, or shed so that you can call in more in your life. So you can just see, "what do you actually want in your life?" So during our inward focus of our menstrual cycle, in our inward focus of specifically our period or our menstruation phase, it invites us to have that same introspection. We can use this time when you're more acutely aware.
Rebecca Rankin (08:47):
We all know that feeling of just being really acutely aware of our being, of our essence, during our period. We're very sensitive to sensation, sensitive to emotions, sensitive to our thoughts. So you can use this time when you are more acutely aware of your intuition and also your needs to gain more clarity and begin to see how you can bring this through in the coming cycle. You use this acute awareness of your intuition and use it to gain clarity, to begin to see, "what do I actually want to see come forward in these next weeks?" And of course, lean into the inclination to rest. Rest and recharging will only help give you more energy for the coming phases in your cycle. You can look at this phase as you're inner winter in a way. Think of it this way. The earth rest during winter, right?
Rebecca Rankin (09:56):
It is not perpetually producing and neither should you. You are cyclical just like the moon, just like the earth and your body needs appropriate rest too, just to function and to navigate life. And your body will tell you this. It's just up to us to actually listen to it. So during your inner new moon phase with the hormonal drops and the increased prostaglandin, which is a necessary inflammatory chemical, you're actually more sensitive to pain the days leading up to, and the few days of your period. So use that sensitivity as this reminder to take it easy. Use this time as a time to rest and to do light movements, maybe something like a walk in nature, a nature hike, relaxing yoga asana practices like restorative yoga or yin yoga, even just some gentle stretches and Pilates because while some movement is still very necessary
Rebecca Rankin (11:02):
because it's going to help boost your circulation and nourish your body, this just isn't the time to be crushing your workout goals. If you feel that inclination, take it easy on yourself. And the mindset shift that you may notice during this time or one that you might feel like really useful to lean into to help you orient to this phase is one of letting go and calling in. And you can think physically, we are letting go the old by shedding the uterine lining of the past cycle and recalling in the new hormonal cycle. And mentally or emotionally, ask yourself, "what habits do I need to release or let go of right." Use your intuition to get clear on just what isn't working in your life. Ask yourself, "what's not just, what's not working right now?" Use this time to be alone
Rebecca Rankin (12:06):
so you can be with your thoughts. And I get it. We can't always be alone. We're navigating people in our life and navigating things. So if you can't be alone, give yourself plenty of breaks. Take frequent breaks. Something as simple as stepping outside for one minute, taking three deep breaths to collect yourself. And use these opportunities to connect back in with yourself and listen to your intuition. Listen to what your gut is telling you so that you can set intentions for what you want more of in your life. You may notice that during your period, you may receive some really great divine insight or connect to your higher self in ways that the rest of the month you just can't or don't access. So this is the time of deep inward focus.
Rebecca Rankin (13:04):
And in the time of deep inward focus, it can bring forward just greater clarity to different aspects of your life. And before we sign off here, take a pause here and ask yourself during your inner new moon phase, ask yourself, "to make room for more of what I want. What am I ready to let go of?" So ask yourself, "to make room for more of what I want, what am I ready to let go of?" In your life, if you want to call in more of some aspect to your life, you need to make room for it. And by doing that, you need to allow yourself to let go of something in turn. Perhaps it's letting go of old habits or thought or belief patterns that are taking up space mentally or otherwise so that you can make room for what you actually want.
Rebecca Rankin (14:03):
Take a pause here. Take a moment to actually pause and sit with that. "To make room for more of what I want, What am I ready to let go of? Thank you so much for listening. My hope is that this short episode helps you feel a little bit more empowered by your period, by your menstrual cycle or your inner new moon phase. And that by feeling just empowered by being a cyclical being, you take that empowerment with you. You carry that in your heart as you move forward in your days and give yourself some grace. More about Cyclical Living and Cycle syncing.